Shared Ownership homes

Reduce Household Bills with New Build Shared Ownership Homes

With inflation rates now at their highest level since the early 1980s, the cost-of-living crisis is significantly impacting households across the UK.

As homeowners face sky high energy bills this winter, the appeal of a new build home, designed to be more energy efficient and engineered to be draught-free and generously insulated, is more attractive than ever.

Research from...

Get on to the ladder in Warwick with a £4,725 deposit

As an ever-growing number of buyers swap city life for rural living, house prices across Warwickshire have skyrocketed. From 2020 to 2021, property values grew by 11.4% across the West Midlands region, as a record number of buyers were drawn to the county’s enviable mix of countryside and bustling cities and towns.

Providing a more accessible route on to the property ladder in...