Key Ways to Utilise Your Garden Space

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Friday, December 23, 2022 - 17:28

You have just moved into a new home and are now aware that while you had planned the interior down to the color of the pot plants in each room, the garden has been somewhat neglected. Oops!

Don’t worry! It is common for new homeowners to look out over their slice of greenery and feel intimidated, especially if it is a larger space. But there are some things that you can do to make the most out of your garden without jeopardising the investment that you made in your home. Great!

So, here are some ideas that are worth considering.

Outhouse or Annex

First on the list is outhouses, which are also known as Garden Rooms.

Not only do these rooms or annexes add a literal structure to the outdoor space, but it is also a classy and long-term investment in your home’s value. Indeed, if they are built by a trained team who is able to plan the shape and design to match your home, they can add several thousand to the value of your property should you wish to sell it in the future.

And, of course, they add space to your home, as you will now have an additional room for hobbies or for gardening. Great!


Much like an outhouse, a patio that is planned down to the shape and material can add a lot of class to your home.

And in 2022, going into 2023, there are many different types of patio material available, from wood to plastic and even recycled materials. There is now something for every budget and look, so shop around! And always be sure that you and your family are happy to maintain the upkeep of your patio, as some require more work than others.

Water Feature

Water features are a classy and beautiful addition to any garden, and if placed carefully, they can act as a divider in the space while also adding a touch of tranquillity to the area. It is always worth consulting professionals when putting in fountains, especially if they are larger and require the ground to be levelled.

Seating Area

There are so many different types of seating areas for a garden that it would be impossible to name them all here. But as you can imagine, most people have a seating area near their back doors, but if you have a larger garden, you can place seating areas around the garden to help give you and your guests a variety of ways to view your garden. Much like the patio, try to match the seating area material to the rest of the garden, or it may look out of place.

Raised Beds

It isn’t only for those who are growing fruit and veg. But if you are, then it's something that you should be looking into; raised beds.

Usually made from solid wooden planks but also often made from stone, raised beds are a great way to divide up the space in your garden with ease. And, if they are fitted by a professional, they also look striking, especially if they are filled with brightly coloured flowers or plants.