5 Essential Gardening Tools

Ellie Green
Authored by Ellie Green
Posted: Wednesday, July 13, 2022 - 22:23

Spring has flown by, and summer is here, which means the sun is shining and the garden is waiting. If you’re a newbie or looking to make your fingers greener, you’ll be searching for information on essential gardening tools. Look no further; throughout this article, we will tell you what needs to go onto your gardening shopping list.


The very nature of gardening means there’s plenty of soil, which means you’ll need a spade. Your spade makes life easier when it comes to edging, planting, and moving soil around. You will find plenty of spades available online and some of them will cost you a fortune, which is why you should check out these Shovels-Spades to save some money. Buying a sturdy spade once will last you a lifetime of gardening if you take care of your tools properly.


Plants need sunlight, correct temperatures, air, correct soil, and just enough water for them to grow properly. Therefore, having a hose with different attachments is essential to successful gardening. The length of your hose will impact the water pressure, so make sure you know your needs before investing. When it comes to storing your hose, you should keep it out of the sun and free of kinks.


A hand trowel is essential for any gardening kit and is perfect for planting herbs, digging up weeds, and repotting plants. If you’re digging up weed, your trowel should have a long and sharp blade. Alternatively, if you’re looking to dig up plenty of soil, you should opt for a broad blade. You can get cheaply made trowels made of plastic but stainless steel will last much longer.

Garden Fork

If you’ve got tough soil in your garden, you will need a garden fork to penetrate it more efficiently than your spade. There are many different garden forks, so it pays to learn how to find the right one for you:

  • Flat tines, which are susceptible to bending, are weaker than square tines.
  • Straight tines lend themselves perfectly for digging compact clay, rock, and soil.
  • A slightly curved spine makes a fork perfect for turning compost.

Pruning Shears

During the summer months, plants can grow out of control if left unchecked. Therefore, you should add pruning shears to your tool shed. Again, there are several different types of pruning shear, including:

  • Ratcheting pruners. These are stronger pruners and are perfect for weaker hands.
  • Bypass pruners. These scissor-styled pruners use a sharp blade passed over a sharp surface - great for live plants.
  • Anvil pruners. These use a flat surface hit by a sharp blade and are great for cutting dead wood.

Whichever pruners you decide on, you should ensure they fit in the palm of your hand. Further, to avoid injuring yourself, you need to sharpen pruners regularly.

Summer is here and gardeners are out in force, so make sure your tool shed is equipped with everything you need to keep the weeds at bay and nurture a healthy yard. The tools discussed above are a fantastic starting point.